Get in my face, you delicious little sugar grenades. |
Late night, 3 a.m. Awake and in pain. Sound familiar? This, my friends, is the worst kind of SSDD.
I drenched the sheets with sweat. I remember, when I was trying to lay perfectly still so that I wouldn't move and make the pain WORSE, that I seemed to be sweating between my toes. Pain twisting my insides, shaking, forcing myself to take slow, measured breaths, failing and hyperventilating a little, and this is what pops into my head!?
Toe sweat: is that a thing? Do you sweat between each toe? Are there sweat glands down there? Is it weird to have sweaty toes? I mean, I always think of feet being sweaty, but not the toes, really. Is each little space between them like an individual armpit? Hmm.
All weekend I baked (6 different kinds of cookies, in your face MARTHA), and then ate cookies and made myself sick. After a particularly sugar filled binge yesterday morning, I ate a veggie filled lunch to compensate. So, sugar or carrots? Cookies or zucchini? Peanut brittle or celery? What exactly set off my AAC? Hard to say.
Not that it matters, whether it was the cookies or produce, when you're in bed at 3 a.m. sweating between your toes.
But oh, that familiar holiday food paradox. I'm talking about the way the holidays (I'm looking at you Thanksgiving and the entire month of December) trick you into thinking that for some reason you DESERVE to eat real food during this specific time period, as if the unwritten (and unknown) laws of your tricky colon suddenly don't apply when the world is decked out in pine boughs and velvet red ribbon and holiday fucking cheer.
It doesn't matter what your colon did yesterday, or the week before, because all of a sudden it's THE HOLIDAYS and you should let yourself enjoy that cookie, that candy, that giant roasted turkey leg (or whatever). Come on! You're around people who can eat whatever they want, and you soooooooooo want to be like them. The urge to "pass" as a normal eater is never so strong as during this particular season, so you let down your guard a little, relax your strict food rules, and indulge, as though hypnotized by listening to "White Christmas" one too many times.
You swap Christmas cookies, and go to festive holiday lunches, and sample a few too many of the treats that you bake for other people. And then at 3 a.m., the pain comes, and the natural conclusion is that you DID THIS TO YOURSELF. This notion is further reinforced by the first thing people say when you tell them about your latest setback: "Well, was it something you ate?"
Nothing like a little internal (and external) food shaming to keep your sore colon company!
Here is what I know: my colon does this sometimes, and it doesn't matter what I eat. But it's hard not to draw the reasonable conclusion, especially during this season of unrestricted, mindless eating. I'm not immune to the lure of sprinkles, and I'm a sucker for stuffing. Guilty as charged! But this was not my fault. Fistfuls of Christmas cookies didn't help the situation, I'm sure, but the colon has a logic all its own.
So now I'm sitting here typing and sipping my meals through a straw. I did have a pretty good run: I managed to swing Thanksgiving, and some of December, before my body got up and slapped me, reminding me that ultimately this is my reality, this 3 a.m. pain, not those few days of gleefully pretending my colon was the same as the other girl's.
I can (and will!) enjoy the rest of the season, the first snowfall and the exchanging of presents and the visits from family. But now, as pain throbs in my side, I will do so with my mouth closed and my guard up. Depending one when the pain lessens, I might be eating soft foods till New Year's. Like it or not, that's just the reality of the situation, my situation, the one that involves an angry and unpredictable colon. I didn't ask for or cause this (repeat to myself a thousand times), and nothing takes the shine off holiday festivities like a bucketful of Prednisone, so I'll be taking it easy.
And while I'm being kind to my body, I'll try to remember to be a little kinder to myself, and remember that this season can still be celebrated in a way that doesn't involve the massive consumption of butter, sugar, and eggs. There is, hopefully, seasonal happiness beyond the cookie jar.