Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Post #90: Spa day!

I have a mani/pedi at 11 followed by a deep tissue massage at noon......

JUST KIDDING! Actually, I have a week long dose of steroids (the real kind! non of this corticosteroid bullshit) and an all liquid diet (for the foreseeable future).
When I hear "all liquid diet" a few things come to mind:
2.) weird diets celebrities go on to lose weight for big events like the Oscars
3.) jaw surgery
4.) fancy spas. Soups! Cucumber water! Beetroot/ginger/kale/worm dropping smoothies! In between mud wraps, detox like you mean it!
5.) fancy-ass yippies who periodically "cleanse" their systems with home delivered organic juices (I'm looking at you, Mistress GOOP)
I was going to list nutrisystem (a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch) but I forgot about the sensible dinner part. Foiled! At any rate, I don't think about Crohn's, and I don't think about drinking diluted apple juice like it's your job in order to stay hydrated. Suprise! Yet another fun facet of the rollercoaster ride that is my Crohn's.
When last I posted, I had just returned from the ER, dehydrated, SOBER (the first rule of Crohn's club is ALWAYS TAKE THE PAINKILLERS. wtf), and freaked out. It's almost a week later, and while improving, the symptoms have not fully resolved themselves. No one is really sure what is going on, but in a bid to buy some more time for the new scary injectible medicine to kick in (yes, I took the plunge), my doctor has decided to put me on steroids for a week, have me do the all liquid diet thing, and hope that my AAC calms the F down.
The all liquid diet is, I must say, kind of demoralizing. Nothing says "I'm sick!" like eating drinking BROTH. Ugh. Also, side note, store bought broth is foul-tomorrow I'm going to go all Martha Stewart on broth's ass and make it myself (bouquet garni for the win). I am also going to go buy some Ensure. So far I have been eating drinking watered down fruit juice, watered down Gatorade, watered down soup (like tomato soup, nothing fiber-y), and organic protein smoothie things that taste like the chocolate milk I used to get in grade school. I'm not hungry-I'm actually pretty nauseous-and the one thing I want when I'm nauseous are carbs. Crackers and bread. As you may have noticed, these cannot be consumed through a straw.
I feel like these major shifts come on suddenly. Last Wednesday-day, I was fine-I enjoyed a lovely turkey sandwich and went about my business. Last Wednesday-night, I was doubled over and sweating through the sheets. These quick deviations from the expected leave little time to do anything but adjust and plod forward.

So that's what I'm doing-plodding forward, distracting myself with Pinterest, and swimming through a sea of liquids. Cocooning myself in my quilt and constantly checking in with my body for any sign of things that are different-good or bad. Watching endless episodes of "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" (don't judge me) and wishing, not for the first time, that I could eat 1/10th of the food they present on the show, or eat food in general with 1/10th of the enjoyment and gusto of the people sucking down greasy chili dogs in some Baltimore hole in the wall.

But before I conquer the chili dog (shudder), I first have to conquer the egg, and the saltine, and if I'm feeling wild, the plain pasta. I miss you, solid foods. I can't wait for us to be friends again. 


  1. I am so glad I'm not the only one who gets irrittated the fuck out by Mrs. Coldplay. Ugh. She can shove her cleanses.

    Anyhoo, does Pedialyte help? They make icy pops!!!

  2. Sadly I am on the other end of the spectrum from Pedialyte-that's right-it's ENSURE TIME. Or actually, hippie organic Odwalla chocolate soy protein shakes (same thing, more classy and expensive. I am trying to channel my inner Gwynnie).
