Friday, November 9, 2012

Post #67: Yoga pants for all!

I'm blogging 30 posts in 30 days for National Health Blog Post Month with @wegohealth.
I want toilet paper, Santa. Roll and roll of toilet paper!
Today's prompt: Community Care Package. Create the perfect care package for your members or fellow patients

I am going to list the things that should come in the "Crohn's 101" care package every newly diagnosed patient should receive:
  • Valium-so much Valium
  • Toilet paper-so much toilet paper
  • Moist wipes-so many moist wipes. A container in each bathroom and little individually wrapped singles for your purse.
  • Free counseling vouchers-SO MANY FEELINGS
  • Heating pad: for pain
  • Pain medication: also for pain
  • Heated toilet seat-toasty!
  • A doctor's note explaining your condition: you will need this for work/school/jury duty/nosy relatives
  • 10 pairs of yoga pants: you will be too tired for real pants
  • Toast: say hello to your new favorite food!
  • The name/number of someone in your area with Crohn's-useful
  • Reading material- you will need something to occupy yourself in the bathroom, in the doctor's office, in the waiting room....
  • Crohn's 101 book-may as well get all of the information before you freak out!
  • Crohn's health monitoring checklist-this is an actual thing click me!
  • List of IBD blogs-everyone wants to read about my butt
  • Coupon for a free MRI-everyone loves a freebie
  • Pill organizer-self explanatory
  • Humorous Crohn's mug-with a pithy saying, like "I have Crohn's, but Crohn's doesn't have me!" Patient can throw mug at wall for stress release
  • Make your own scarf kit-you will need a hobby
  • A second opinion-won't fit in the box, but everyone should get one
Wow, this is a really depressing list! However, I would still take the heated toilet seat and the free MRI.....yeah ok, and the mug. I like free swag, what can I say.
I was kind of enjoying this daily blogging thing until today I realized it means you have to think about your health......everyday. I'm a little tired today, so I think I can be excused for COMPLETELY MISSING THAT POINT until now.
Yesterday, I had one of those nights. I got vaccinations this week, one in each arm; last night left arm hurt (it's getting better, but it still has a hardish bump near the injection site....adventures!), right arm itched, and my right side hurt. I couldn't get comfortable; I kept switching from side to side like a chicken on a spit until I realized that I couldn't sleep on either side because of pain. REALLY, colon? REALLY, painful arm? BOTH AT THE SAME TIME!? NOT COOL.
I fell asleep on my back, finally. I was not amused. I could have used some of that free sample Valium.

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